Steve White was recently in New Zealand doing a three day workshop on tracking and nose/scent work! So as per normal I’ve prepared for you a list of the five biggest things I learned/enjoyed/took away (see below).
Haven’t heard of Steve White before? … Out of 100+ ATA podcast episodes – the episode with him, has definitely been one of my favourites! Listen here >>>
1) We learned about Steve White’s HITT (Hydration Intensified Tracking training) system and I even got to help practice with an amazing little Border Terrier! EEEEE!
The activity we did had us spray a line of water along the ground and then line it with little pieces of high valued food. Our little terrier would then go along with its nose low to the ground, eating all of these little pieces of food accompanied by the odour of the water. In the activity we did each piece of food was only a couple of centimeters apart but over time you would increase the distance between the food whilst maintaining the sprayed line of water on the ground! – I can’t wait to do more of this in the future!
2) Continual reinforcement learning about the absolute sensational sense that is a dog’s olfactory ability! Steve offered new thoughts, science and insights into their sense of smell – an ability I don’t think we can even begin to fully comprehend.
Having worked in Zoos for most of my career I loved watching Snakes stick their forked tongues out to scent the air. Pulling the particles back into their Jacobson’s organ! I didn’t actually know dogs had one in their mouths as well! ARRRRGH! They are so cool!
3) DATA collection! WOOOO! Earlier this year Steve White joined us at ATA for a live web-class where he reviewed MacKenzie’s eight scent-work indicators (with video examples for all 8);
- Pull
- Nose Height
- Tail Carriage
- Breathing
- Cadence
- Circling
- Crabbing
- * Head swing (Nose anchor)
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Want to watch this web-class from Steve Whtie on this exact topic you can do so with your ten day $1 trial here >>>
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At the Workshops we got to practice this in real time. As a group we sat down and watched a video we had literally just filmed of some dogs doing nose work activities. Together we then filled out data sheets so that we could all learn to read the dog’s body language better! My god was this fun!
4) A recurring take away from attending any workshop is a greater appreciation of the awesomeness of the ATA tribe! I had so much fun hanging out with the attending members. (Note I had to photoshop Karen Drummond in as I was silly and forgot to collect her for this photo!)
5) And finally I gained a greater appreciation for the work that the police dogs and their humans do! We were so lucky to watch videos of both police dogs in training and doing real live searches! The skill of both dog and handler blew my mind.
I hope you have enjoyed this and am excited to let you know that last weekend I attended a dog training business seminar with DogBiz founder Veronica Boutelle! Look forward for more workshop updates coming your way soon 🙂
Best Regards
Ryan Cartlidge
Animal Training Academy
P.s Want EVEN more from Steve – earlier this year he joined us AGAIN at ATA for a 6 person panel discussion with himself, hannah branigan, Eva, Bertilsson, Agnieszka Janarek, Carrie Kish and myself… this was for ATA premium members only however you can see a full replay via your exclusive $1 ten day ATA trial here >>>
So happy you are using force/fear free “science based” training methods.
I started competing in conformation mid- 70’s- our show dogs needed to be happy, correct & well trained in order to win..!
Shy or aggressive dogs were eliminated.
My Dobermans & Bouviers appreciated the Liver, Attention &/Applause-as we practiced in training classes & real-life, they always had a good time..??