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Sabrina Brando – Bio
Sabrina Brando is Director of Animal Welfare with the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Her favourite job title, however, is ‘I am in the business of animal happiness’. For the last 27 years, she has been working in and with the global zoo and wildlife profession, including zoos, aquariums, wildlife centers, and sanctuaries. Sabrina has a BSc. in psychology and has an MSc. in animal studies, which focused on “An evaluation of zoo animal welfare assessment from inspection to daily practices with recommendations for a holistic approach”. Sabrina is fortunate to be involved in book chapter writing, presenting at conferences, running workshops, and to collaborate on several research projects on animal advocacy, welfare, and behaviour. Sabrina teaches, and always learns new things when teaching as a guest lecturer at various universities and colleges on e.g. animal welfare, behaviour, and the human-animal interaction and relationship. Sabrina loves storytelling and writing – particularly about animals and the natural world, wearing a button with “I love stories” almost all the time. The button sparks a lot of great conversations and storytelling about animals among many other topics, from people she meets at a conference, to a stranger on a plane. Do you have a story you want to share about the animal(s) you care(d) for, a special friendship you have with your favourite animal, a great action for animals or the planet you were involved in, or anything else that makes your heart sing concerning animals and nature, Sabrina would love to hear from you!
You can connect with Sabrina on FaceBook HERE or email her at
Thanks Sabrina and Ryan. Very relevant information for any species and I LOVE the “no” isnt a choice for answers. I will adopt a more open to asking myself the type of questions that bring about either stability or change to better living for my own animals. Again thanks