In this bonus lesson I am going to provide you with a tool to help you properly utilize everything that you learn on this website. This tool is called the behavior flow chart.
How to use this flow chart.
Ideally the flow chart will be printed out and each page will be laminated.
Then a hole gets punched in the top left hand corner of each page.
Then the individual pages get held together with a large key ring going through the holes.
When you reach a behavioral/environmental challenge refer to this flow chart.
Flick through each page of the flow chart and make sure you have answered the question for that page.
This process will help you collect all the data that you need moving forward in your training and behavior management with your animals.
If you are a member of the forums they are also a fantastic tool to use to ask questions you can access them by CLICKING HERE.
What I’m also going to do is write each question from the flow chart below.
Where appropriate I will add links to content where you can get more information.
CLICK HERE for the behavior flow chart.
- Have I described behavior in terms of what I can see and hear?
- CLICK HERE and listen to the audio from this lesson of the RECIPE.
- CLICK HERE for the free lesson about using three labels to help prioritize your animal training goals.
- CLICK HERE for this lesson from the clicker training fundamentals course material on judging comprehension of the clicker.
- CLICK HERE for this lesson from the RECIPE on communication.
- Have I examined this animals daily routine, activity space, relationships, natural history, medical/nutritional status, age?
- CLICK HERE to listen to this podcast and learn about motivation. (Start listening from around 18:30 for the motivation part).
- CLICK HERE to learn about relationships from the RECIPE course work.
- CLICK HERE for a free lesson on relationships.
- CLICK HERE to listen to this podcast, especially the first part – “learning about your individual animal”
- Have I done my ABC’s?
- Have I considered my animals current behavioral repertoire.
- Have I got information about the frequencies of behavior before the intervention?
- Have I examined the behavior quadrant to determine what consequences, are influencing the animal’s behavior?
- CLICK HERE to learn about the behavior quadrant and it’s use from this lesson of the RECIPE coursework (found towards bottom of the lesson).
- CLICK HERE for lesson 2 from the clicker training fundamentals course work to learn more about reinforcement.
- CLICK HERE for lesson 3 from the clicker training fundamentals course work to learn about primary and secondary reinforcers.
- CLICK HERE for a free lesson on reinforcement.
- CLICK HERE for a free podcast on reinforcement.
- CLICK HERE for a free podcast on punishment.
- Have I considered and discussed what we have tried so far?
- Have I considered possible antecedent changes? What, When, Where, Who, How?
- Have I set the environment up for success? Making the right behaviors easier to perform and more reinforcing then the wrong behaviors?
- Have I identified possible consequence changes? Remove reinforcement for undesirable behaviors. Pair reinforcement with desirable behaviors?
- Have I identified any new behaviors that might be beneficial in this situation? Station training? Target Training? Voluntary shifting/crating?
- Have I written up a shaping plan for these new behaviors being careful to split rather than lump?
- Have I written up a training plan for this animal?
- Have I discussed this training with the team and/other people being careful to only describe observable behaviors and also talk about frequencies of behavior?
- Have I contacted other trainers/organizations to compare methods?
- Does the plan include the use of positive reinforcement and allow the animal choice?
- The RECIPE – 6 Ingredients for ethical & effective behavior management (Course) Module
- The RECIPE for successful animal behavior management.
- RECIPE – intro quiz
- THE RECIPE R = Reinforcement
- THE RECIPE E = Environmental arrangement
- THE RECIPE C = Communication
- THE RECIPE I = Information
- INFORMATION quiz Lesson
- THE RECIPE P = Partnerships
- THE RECIPE E = Empowerment
In this lesson you will learn about using the behavioral flowchart tool. Using this combined with all the information from the RECIPE is really going to put you in a powerful position to deal with any challenges you have moving forward.
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