About the class;

We are really excited to invite the Animal Training Academy membership to join Dr. Joe Layng and Dr. Susan Friedman in a live discussion about the science and practice of behavior change from a constructional perspective.
As disseminators of behaviour-change science both Susan and Joe will consider similarities and differences in their approaches and some of the most important and challenging concepts they encounter in their work.
The event will aim to support your critical thinking as you connect the dots between our behaviorist philosophy and thoughtful application of behavior analysis (to our work with people and the learners in their care).
Via the chat function you will also be able to interact with the presenters and other attendees to share your thoughts and ask your questions!
- CLICK HERE to listen to episode 100 of the ATA podcast show with Dr. Susan Friedman
- We have 2 podcast episodes coming out in December with Dr. Joe Layng! Although we have already pre-released them inside the ATA membership area (accessible NOW within your members only FB group).
- Episode one with Dr. Joe Layng can be listened to HERE
- Episode two with Dr. Joe Layng can be listened to HERE
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